Home Watch in Naples, Florida
Checkmate Home Watch provides Home Watch, Key Holder, Vendor Management, Car Service, Turfgrass/Landscaping, Alarm Response, Concierge and Storm Preparation services to the City of Naples and the surrounding communities of Collier County in Florida. Neighborhoods in our service area include Park Shore, Grey Oaks, The Quarry, Tiburon, Pelican Bay, Mediterra, Esplanade, Raffia Preserve, Bent Creek, Island Walk, Twin Eagles, Waterways of Naples, Ave Maria and more.
Checkmate Home Watch is a professional home watch company dedicated to you, the property owner. We provide vacant property management with a variety of additional home care plans, all tailored to meet your needs and provide peace of mind.
Who is watching your home when you are gone? You might leave a key with a neighbor but are they available 24/7 if you need them? Will they ensure the pool and lawn maintenance quality of service is the same as when you’re there? Will they change the A/C filters at the recommended times? Will they send you a full report of their inspection?
Checkmate Home Watch answers ‘yes’ to those questions and more. Our professional inspection completed at regular intervals can make your home look lived in and secure. Any concerns are documented and serious trouble is reported to you immediately. We maintain a facility manager approach to your property while ensuring your privacy at all times.
Checkmate Home Watch is an accredited member of the National Home Watch Association and is proud to represent their professional standards and Code of Ethics. Most home watch companies do not qualify for NHWA membership. Members are carefully screened and references, licensing, insurance and bonding are verified. Accept nothing less than a NHWA member that has completed the vetting and approval procedures to enter your home.